FAQ - Bank of Wallstreet

Most common questions and answers about Bank of Wallstreet

For artists and creators

All professional artists can apply to be a part of Bank of Wallstreet through the open calls that the festival regularly organizes. The deadline for the current open call is December 31, 2024.

Artworks that meet the criteria for inclusion in the bank will be considered, and Wallstreet works to match artworks with locations, buyers, and budgets.

Artists with unique works in the bank cannot simultaneously rent out or sell the same piece(s) displayed via the bank through other channels, as this undermines the work of sellers and consultants. However, if the works are produced in multiple editions as part of a series, where they are “same but different,” it may be possible to sell the different editions in other places by agreement.
Bank of Wallstreet signs an agreement with the artist regarding exclusivity for renting and selling until May 15, 2025. The agreement can be terminated or extended before its expiration if both parties agree.

No. However the festival only includes artists and artworks in the bank that are deemed to have a strong chance of finding a matching financier. The festival’s art consultants and producers do everything they can to maximize the number of artists included in the festival, but there are no absolute guarantees that a financier will be found.

Yes, Bank of Wallstreet takes a 30% commission on the price of public art. This commission is necessary to cover the bank’s own costs, such as administration, contract management, and consultant fees for sales efforts.

70% of the sales price goes to the artist.

Bank of Wallstreet has the following assessment criteria:
• High artistic quality
• Art that is of either temporary or permanent character
• Sculptures, installations, performances that can withstand outdoor environments
• Relevance in relation to current societal issues
• Innovative approaches to temporary art projects
• How well the artwork relates to the chosen platform, the surrounding location, or the issue it addresses
• Potential to engage both a broader and a professional audience
• Practical and financial feasibility

Direct exclusions without assessment:
• Works that cannot withstand outdoor environments are not accepted
• Mural proposals are currently not included in the bank
• Works with evidently highly environmentally hazardous materials are not accepted

The bank’s administrator reviews all applications submitted to the bank and sorts them into categories such as large sculptures, miniatures, artistic concepts, sound works, performances, etc.
The administrator assesses the submitted works against the bank’s criteria and proceeds with those that meet the requirements. The assessment is conducted together with two art consultants and/or professional artists.
Contracts are signed between Bank of Wallstreet and the accepted artists. The administrator then publishes them on the Bank of Wallstreet website—either in the Open Portfolio or in the Locked Vault.

For temporary rentals over the summer, an exhibition fee of SEK 10,000 and a participation fee of SEK 15,000 (excluding VAT) are generally provided. If necessary, some funds may be allocated for repairs, transportation, and/or installation. The maximum budget per rented artwork is SEK 50,000 (excluding VAT).
The contract is made directly between the renter and the artist. The renter is responsible for any insurance.

If the rental of an artwork leads to the sale of the same piece to the same customer, the sale must go through the festival. This applies until December 31, 2025, to prevent the festival from being used as a sales platform without compensation.

In dialogue with the artist, an initial price is determined for the purchase. Wallstreet may suggest adjusting the price up or down depending on demand and the buyer’s financial capacity. No price adjustments will be made without the artist’s approval.
Wallstreet takes a 30% commission on the total sales price. In the case of a sale, no exhibition or participation fees apply.

The Open Portfolio contains already existing public artworks available for rent and purchase. These may be works that have returned from a temporary exhibition, a commissioned piece where the purchase was cancelled, or independently produced artworks that have not yet been exposed to buyers.

The Locked Vault contains new ideas for miniature art, new artistic concepts, and illustrated proposals for larger public artworks. These are stored securely in a locked vault under confidentiality to minimize the risk of IP theft and to protect the copyrights of the artists and creators involved in the bank.

For byers and lessees

Interested buyers or renters who wish to acquire artworks or concepts from the bank should contact the festival through the contact form at the bottom of the bank’s website.

A representative from Bank of Wallstreet will then reach out to the interested party for an initial consultation via phone or email. The interested party will be asked a few preliminary questions about their interests and available budget. The vault is only opened for serious inquiries.

The next step is an assessment of a suitable match between budget, interested party, and artwork, conducted by one of the festival’s art consultants—essentially, the bank acts as a broker between the interested party/buyer and the artwork/artist.

All rentals and purchases are processed through Bank of Wallstreet. The transaction is agreed upon and signed digitally.
The artist is always involved in the placement of new works, as context influences artistic expression.

In dialogue with the artist, an initial price is determined for the purchase. Wallstreet may propose an adjustment of the price—up or down—depending on demand and the buyer’s financial capacity, in consultation with Wallstreet’s clients. No price adjustments are made without the approval of the artist/creator.

Renting an artwork during the festival period in the summer of 2025 (June, July, August) costs approximately SEK 50,000, regardless of size. The price includes:

  • Exhibition fee: SEK 10,000
  • Participation fee: approximately SEK 15,000
  • Production funds if needed
  • Possible transportation costs

Installation costs may be added depending on the specific artwork.

The Open Portfolio contains already existing public artworks available for rent and purchase. These may be works that have returned from a temporary exhibition, a commissioned piece where the purchase was cancelled, or independently produced artworks that have not yet been exposed to buyers.

The Locked Vault contains new ideas for miniature art, new artistic concepts, and illustrated proposals for larger public artworks. These are stored securely in a locked vault under confidentiality to minimize the risk of IP theft and to protect the copyrights of the artists and creators involved in the bank.

Only verified, serious buyers with an active and current purchasing interest—including an existing and relevant budget—are given access to view the contents of the locked vault.

An initial discussion always takes place between an authorized art consultant from the festival or the bank director and the interested party. This dialogue helps determine which concepts or artworks in the locked vault may be a potential match.

Before accessing the locked vault, each interested party must sign a digital non-disclosure agreement that includes information and acknowledgment of the specified intellectual property (IP) and copyright regulations.

The bank director and the bank’s authorized art consultants hold the keys to unlock the vault.

Most artworks and concepts in the locked vault will be presented anonymously as part of the bank’s confidentiality management regarding the vault and its contents.

However, the open portfolio, which contains existing completed artworks, is accessible to anyone.

At the bottom of the page, there is a contact form that can be used if you are interested in accessing the locked vault.

Contact us

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