Aimed at MAIN PARTNERS - municipalities and companies in Greater Stockholm - who participate by financing art on or at their own properties.
GOLD Ticket is purchased by MAIN PARTNERS, A typical main partner is municipalities and private companies in the Stockholm region that finance art on or near their own properties.
GOLD Ticket costs up to EURO 50,000 for municipalities and from EURO 10,000 for private business. Some variation may occur.
Gold Ticket is mainly about contributions to overall project management and coordination of the entire festival as well as overall communication strategy and communicative efforts, advice and quality assurance. Other general commercial rights for everyone with a GOLD Ticket are listed below:
with all participating partners (network, development, inspiration...)
with leading voices in relevant topics
Monthly newsletter
Access to the festival's digital platform
Access to and right to use the festival's logo
Access to and right to use the festival's own image bank (from the entire festival)
An internal lecture on a related topic 1 hour + question time
Copies of “WALLSTREET Magazine” + digital version
WALLSTREET brings people together – residents, municipalities and companies – to contribute to new artistic stories where they live and work. The purpose is that neighbors and artists together create places of significance that deeply touch and mean something to them.
For WALLSTREET, the spirit of the place is important. The local anchoring and contact with those who live and work on the site is central to sustainable development. WALLSTREET is about neighborhoods together with professional artists and creators in the small give new life to their own places, to largely contribute to a better world. This applies to the spirit of the place as well as the place’s physical environment and design.
Participation and art bring people together, create elation and give a sense of context. When we can deeply see ourselves in a place, we feel at home and care about it. We care for and are careful about the local environment we ourselves have been involved in creating. What we touch, often touches us.
Connecting people and place through the power of public art.
A movement for happier communities and a kinder world.
Impacting humanity to become more aware.
Above all, the city has been challenged – in its everyday life, but also as a phenomenon and idea. During hard times – activities within and close to art and culture usually becomes particularly exposed, at the same time it has become clear how important art and culture are to the city’s soul, its interplay and attractiveness. For that reason we twist the “business as usual” 180 degrees based on the fact that it is impossible to solve current challenges with the same thinking that created them.
WALLSTREET 2025 will take place all around Sweden in the summer of 2025.